PR/Media Assistance
Contact Our Communications Team
Are you a member of the media? You can contact us using the information below to receive general public relations resources and media assistance.
Media inquiries/interview requests
For media and public relations inquiries,
Please contact Jennifer Bayer at
(714) 292-3821 or email at [email protected].
For general information, patient information and other hospital-related issues, call (209) 664-5675.
Expert sources
More than 300 physicians have admitting privileges at Emanuel, and the hospital employs more than 800 clinical staff members. If you need a medical source for a particular story, contact Krista Deans at (209) 247-9323. Please note that nurses and clinicians cannot provide medical advice. If the source needs to provide medical advice, we will do our best to coordinate an interview with a physician — subject to his or her patient care schedule and your deadline.Patient condition requests
For patient condition reports, please call (209) 247-9323. Releasing information on the condition of hospital patients requires a careful balancing of patient privacy and the media’s need for information. California law and the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) have strict regulations related to protection of patient privacy rights. The HIPAA privacy regulations limit the patient information hospitals can share with the news media. Emanuel strictly adheres to the release of patient information guidelines established by the California Hospital Association.Patient interviews
The staff at Emanuel understands there are occasions when members of the media are interested in talking with patients. While our first priority is a patient’s care and privacy guaranteed by HIPAA, we assist the media as allowed by law — provided the patient consents to the interview. All patient interview requests are subject to final approval by the patient.News releases
Hospital news releases are sent out by email. To be added to Emanuel’s media list, send an email request to [email protected].You can also access current and past news releases in our archive. Releases are listed by headline in chronological order by release date and are archived online for five years.